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RES - Relativistic Orbital Model 1
Chapter 1, Gravity Unifies Space and Time: https://lnkd.in/e3Wqddpx
The notion of a "vacuum" between celestial bodies is a theoretical construct; space is not truly empty, as gravity exerts its influence there. The phenomenon of two masses physically attracting each other has never been directly observed, and even Newton, the renowned scientist, refrained from making speculative hypotheses about this phenomenon, stating that he had no hypothesis about it. The concept of "vacuum" extends beyond the space between celestial bodies, encompassing the space between the nucleus of an atom and its electron shell. Utilizing the hydrogen atom as a model, Niels Bohr accurately calculated the precise radius between the hydrogen nucleus and its electron's orbit. This distance is equivalent to approximately one-twentieth of a nanometer. When evaluated in comparison to the atomic nucleus, Bohr's radius appears substantial and is equivalent to the distance between a microsphere placed in the center of a football stadium and the outermost rows of the stadium, representing the innermost orbital of the electron.The video presents an orbital model for hydrogen that illustrates four quantum field levels and the eccentric orbits that expose the associated ring-shaped bands. In each of these quantum field levels, the electron spin changes direction. The distance between an inner and an outer circle, each shown in blue and green, defines a hollow spherical quantum space in which the electron is located in an orbital on the surface of a uniform transformation sphere whose distance from the atomic nucleus corresponds to Bohr's radius. The transformation sphere fulfills the conditions of a Poincaré group and is subject to Lorentz transformation, rotation, and translation. This implies that the electron can be found at any point within the hollow sphere defined by the blue-green outer and inner circle. Furthermore, the electron's length of path is equal for all orbitals within the hollow sphere. However, due to quantum jumps and entanglement, it is not impossible that the electron will be found at the other side of the universe. Assuming the hypothesis that gravity is a property of space-time, it can be stated that gravity undergoes a change in its "sign" as it passes through the four quantum field planes, manifesting itself as an attractive force as well as a repulsive force. Consequently, a balance of forces is established in the space between the atomic nucleus and the electron shell, thereby preventing the electron from crashing into the atomic nucleus. This balance is consistent with astrophysical observations of black holes and the expanding universe.#resorbital1 #hydrogen #quantummechanics #atom #electron #standartmodel #gravity #entaglement #eneutrality #naturalscience#excellence for the #thewörld from #theländ
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RES - Relativistic Orbital Model 2
Chapter 2, Water: https://lnkd.in/ePeqiuNP
10 electrons are participating in relativistic orbits. The fundamental importance of water for life on Earth is based on its versatile properties. These physical, chemical, electrical and optical properties depend on the molecular structure and the resulting bonds and interactions between the water molecules. A polar atomic bond is defined as a chemical bond in which the atoms involved carry partial charges due to their different electronegativities, which are 3.44 for oxygen and 2.2 for hydrogen. In the case of water, this difference results in a bipolar molecule consisting of one negatively charged oxygen atom and two positively charged hydrogen atoms, where the bond between oxygen and hydrogen is not strong enough to form a strong covalent ionic bond. As a member of the sixth main group of the periodic table, oxygen has six outer electrons. While the two hydrogen atoms oppose each other by an angle of 104,5 degrees a distinction is made between linear hydrogen bonds, with a bond angle of 180 degrees, and non-linear hydrogen bonds, with a bond angle of 180 ± 20 degrees, which form a tetrahedral network. The typical length of a hydrogen bond is 0.18 nm. Hydrogen bonding is responsible for a number of important properties of water. These include the liquid state of aggregation under normal conditions, cohesion, the relatively high boiling point and the density anomaly of water. Van der Waals forces act between the water molecules, giving water its remarkable properties by constantly breaking up and reassembling the molecular clusters. For example, water is a liquid at temperatures above freezing and solidifies into ice at temperatures below zero degrees Celsius, when six water molecules form a ring through hydrogen bonds and form a cubic ice structure at temperatures below -22 degrees Celsius. During evaporation, the hydrogen bonds must be broken, which explains the high energy required to convert liquid water to vapour at 100 degrees Celsius compared to other substances.
#resorbital2 #resatom #beryllium #quantummechanics #electron #standardmodel #gravity #entaglement #eneutrality #naturalscience #science #physics #atom #Newton #Einstein #generalrelativity #cosmology #darkmatter #darkenergy #astronomy #astrophysics
#excellence for the #thewörld from #theländ
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RES - Relativistic Orbital Model 3
Chapter 3, When Water Turns to Ice: https://lnkd.in/eb74vzwj
Dear friends, colleagues and well-wishers of the RES Institute,
As the year draws to a close, I would like to thank you all for your support and continued interest in our team's publications. 2024 has been a very fruitful and productive year, with ambitious projects ranging from nuclear fusion to a completely new relativistic orbital model. Today I wish you and your loved ones a peaceful and reflective time for the upcoming festive season. At the turn of the year, I send you my best wishes for a New Year filled with health, happiness and fulfillment.
Your F. Grimm
#resorbital3 #resatom #beryllium #quantummechanics #electron #standardmodel #gravity #entaglement #eneutrality #naturalscience #science #physics #atom #Newton #Einstein #generalrelativity #cosmology #darkmatter #darkenergy #astronomy #astrophysics
#excellence for the #thewörld from #theländ
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RES - Relativistic Orbital Model 4
Chapter 4 : The four Hybrid Orbitals of Methane : https://lnkd.in/e_CQjwkt
The animated model shows a general approach to hybrid orbitals based on chained ring oscillations. Each of the semicircular arcs in blue and red represents a plane in which the electron induces a magnetic field by moving at a speed of 2200 km/h. The example of methane shows how the four electrons of a carbon atom flow together with the electrons of four hydrogen atoms in hybrid orbitals. Each of the four hybrid orbitals consists of six semicircular arcs of equal radius. Three of the arcs are in the immediate vicinity of the carbon atom's nucleus, while the remaining three are close to the hydrogen atom's nucleus. These arcs are connected to each other in a common plane in which the direction of the centripetal force exerted on the electrons undergoes a sudden change of 90 degrees at each of the six points of connection between the arcs in this plane. This results in a torque being exerted on the angular momentum axis of the electrons, initiating a transition from an upward spin to a downward spin. As a consequence of the mirror symmetry of the four hybrid orbitals with respect to the angular momentum plane, the induced magnetic forces are mutually cancelling, thereby ensuring that the methane molecule exerts no forces on its atomic or molecular environment. The offset of the momentum planes of the hybrid orbitals, at 109.5 degrees, gives rise to the tetrahedral structure that is characteristic of methane. The final sequence of the animation illustrates how the four electron crowns of methane each come together in a ring vibration with six periods, thereby orbiting both the nucleus of the carbon atom and the nucleus of the hydrogen atom, and undergoing a change in direction of rotation six times each. The hybrid orbitals, which are based on the structural form of a double helix, represent a fundamental aspect of carbon chemistry. As a relativistic orbital model, the generally valid orbital model built from spheres and fractals of spheres has implications that extend beyond the field of carbon chemistry. It is situated at the center of a unified theory that encompasses all disciplines of natural science.
#resorbital4 #resatom #beryllium #quantummechanics #electron #standardmodel #gravity #entaglement #eneutrality #naturalscience #science #physics #atom #Newton #Einstein #generalrelativity #cosmology #darkmatter #darkenergy #astronomy #astrophysics
#excellence for the #thewörld from #theländ
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RES - Relativistic Orbital Model 5
Chapter 5, Benzene : https://lnkd.in/ez3k8bdM
Ladies and gentlemen, the Res Institute is proud to present a relativistic orbital model using benzene as an example. Shown is the benzene ring with six mobile electrons corresponding to the molecular formula C6H6. Benzene is the parent compound of the aromatic hydrocarbons. The colorless liquid has a characteristic sweet, aromatic odor; it is highly flammable and burns with a strong, sooty flame; it is nonpolar and miscible with many organic solvents, but hardly with water; the scientific discussion about the structure of benzene played a central role in the development of the theory of organic chemistry. According to legend, the German chemist and chemistry professor August Kekulé had a dream in 1865 in which a snake bit in its tail. The mystical image of the Ouroboros thus marks the beginning of hydrocarbon chemistry in Germany, and Kekulé's structure was the first to take into account the experimental finding that all carbon atoms in benzene are equivalent.
Friedrich August Kekulé, from 1895 Kekule von Stradonitz, (* September 7, 1829 in Darmstadt; † July 13, 1896 in Bonn) was a German chemist and natural scientist who laid the foundations for the modern structural theory of organic chemistry.
#resorbital5 #resatom #beryllium #quantummechanics #electron #standardmodel #gravity #entaglement #eneutrality #naturalscience #science #physics #atom #Newton #Einstein #generalrelativity #cosmology #darkmatter #darkenergy #astronomy #astrophysics
#excellence for the #thewörld from #theländ
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RES - Relativistic Orbital Model 6
Chapter 6, Graphene : https://lnkd.in/edR67HE4
The fundamental importance of graphene as a revolutionary material in modern science and technology is based on its intrinsic properties. These physical, chemical, electrical, mechanical, and structural properties depend on its molecular structure and the resulting bonds and interactions between the carbon atoms within the graphene sheet. A covalent bond is defined as a chemical bond in which the atoms involved share electrons to achieve stability. In graphene, this concept is realized through a network of carbon atoms arranged in a two-dimensional hexagonal lattice. Each carbon atom is covalently bonded to three neighboring carbon atoms through sigma bonds, forming a continuous planar structure. The carbon-carbon bond lengths in graphene are approximately 1.42 Å, slightly shorter than typical single bonds due to the partial double-bond character arising from delocalization. As a member of the second period of the periodic table, carbon atoms in graphene utilize sp² hybridization. Each carbon atom forms three sp² hybrid orbitals, which overlap with the sp² orbitals of adjacent carbon atoms to create the sigma bonds responsible for the structural integrity of the graphene lattice. The unhybridized p orbitals on each carbon atom are perpendicular to the plane of the sheet and overlap to form an extensive π electron system. This delocalization of π electrons extends across the entire graphene sheet, endowing it with remarkable electronic and thermal conductivity.
#resorbital6 #resatom #beryllium #quantummechanics #electron #standardmodel #gravity #entaglement #eneutrality #naturalscience #science #physics #atom #Newton #Einstein #generalrelativity #cosmology #darkmatter #darkenergy #astronomy #astrophysics
#excellence for the #thewörld from #theländ
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RES - Relativistic Orbital Model 7
#resorbital7 = Chapter 7 from chapter 1 to chapter 7
The Introduction of Quantum Gravity to Chemistry: https://lnkd.in/ewyE5VJr The spherical shell model of atoms presented by Niels Bohr in 1913 describes properties of electrons that do not exclude compatibility with Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity, presented to the Prussian Academy of Sciences in Berlin on November 25, 1915. The connection with quantum physics is also made clear by the term "quantum leap" introduced by Niels Bohr. With the introduction of the uncertainty principle in nuclear science due to the wave-particle paradox, first observed by Werner Heisenberg in 1927, and the equations established by Erwin Schrödinger in 1926 to calculate the probability of the position of the electron, the opportunity to build further on a relativistic orbital model was missed. However, it is imperative to recognize that the existence of the electron as a particle characterized by mass, an axis of angular momentum, and quantum properties is an established fact - provided, of course, that it is not observed. In this regard, the novel quantum gravity theory, as demonstrated by the example of beryllium with two electrons each in the 1s and 2s orbitals, finds application in all 25 elementary quantum building blocks from which matter in the form of crystals and molecules and all 118 known chemical elements are derived. The cubic and spherical orbital model presented here can thus also be regarded as a self-consistent theory of the curvature of space and time, including quantum leaps and dwell times depending on the energy level of the shell, and even the possibility of entangled electron-specific information, which abolishes the concept of the present as a boundary between past and future, need not be ruled out.
#resorbital7 #resatom #beryllium #quantummechanics #electron #standardmodel #gravity #entaglement #eneutrality #naturalscience #science #physics #atom #Newton #Einstein #generalrelativity #cosmology #darkmatter #darkenergy #astronomy #astrophysics #excellence for the #thewörld from #theländ