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RES - Ocean Wind 1

#resss1 Chapter 1 of redefining Cruising by Setting Sails. My father, who was born in 1924 and grew up in Hamburg Blankenese, gave me my first sailing experience in my early youth when he revived his passion for sailing in the 1960s. During the summer vacations, he put our family in an open pirate dinghy to sail the North Sea between the islands of Föhr and Amrum with pre-war nautical charts. Ever since then, I have been familiar with the sailing commands to 'get ready to tack' or 'get ready to jibe' and to this day I am infinitely grateful to my father Jürgen Grimm for what he taught me about sailing and ships. The following could apply to sailing from now on: Always stay upright, no matter how strong the wind blows and from which direction it comes. How is this possible when the ship is tilted during sailing, which is not desirable for passenger or container ships? The video shows a frontal view of an Oasis-class cruise ship. Clearly visible are the sails, which can be extended from the hull via a telescopic mast, generating a torque at the ship's center of gravity around an axis of rotation parallel to the ship's longitudinal axis, while the hydrodynamic wings, which can be simultaneously extended on the underwater hull, generate an opposing torque at the ship's center of gravity with a pair of forces consisting of lift and drag, so that with the hydrodynamic trim system shown here for the first time, the ship maintains the optimal horizontal position from a fluid dynamics point of view even when sailing. All passengers can be assured that they will not have to learn how to sail for the cruise and, above all, that their dishes will not slip off the table while they are eating and drinking. #resoceanwind #reslevelcontrol #ressail #resship #rescruiseship #restelescopicmast #resewing #resblade #excellence for #thewörld from #theländ www.res-institute.com

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RES - Ocean Wind 2

#resss2 Redefine Cruising by Setting Sails : Chapter 2, Level control for a ship with a sail device The invention relates to a ship with a hull and with a sail device which has a telescopic mast with a telescopic axis and can be integrated into a support system, a rescue system and an energy system of the ship with a hydrodynamic level control for the longitudinal, transverse and vertical axis of the ship. The ship has a center of buoyancy, a center of gravity and a metacenter, and is designed with an underwater hull shaped according to hydrodynamic aspects. The underwater hull connects a forecastle to a stern with a keel and has a lower bulkhead deck formed by a double bottom. The hull has longitudinal and transverse bulkhead walls which, together with a plurality of decks, enclose a plurality of vertical, spaced-apart air chambers of a height which form a honeycomb structure and extend parallel to the vertical axis from a lower bulkhead deck to a watertight sealable main deck as an upper deck, substantially over the entire length of the hull along the longitudinal axis and are designed to accommodate the sailing gear. The level of the longitudinal, transverse and vertical axis of the ship is regulated by means of hydrodynamically effective outboard wings that can be extended on the starboard and port sides with a three-part variable wing profile, which are designed for this purpose together with a dynamically displaceable water ballast, the telescopic axis of the telescopic mast installed in an air chamber is always aligned vertically during sailing operation of the ship, whereby the sailing device can be extended beyond the main deck by means of the telescopic mast with a height corresponding to the height of an air chamber in order to enable temporary sailing operation of the ship. The ship according to the invention can be designed according to its respective function as a cargo, passenger, war or work ship. #ResSS2 #resoceanwind #reslevelcontrol #ressail #resship #rescruiseship #restelescopicmast #resewing #resblade #excellence for #thewörld from #theländ www.res-institute.com

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RES - Ocean Wind 3

#resss3 Redefine Cruising by Setting Sails : Chapter 3. The ship with hydrodynamic levelling The ship, as designed according to the invention, can be adapted to suit a variety of functions, including those as a cargo, passenger, military or work ship. In the operation of these ships, hydrodynamic levelling is achieved through the utilisation of outboard wings, situated on either side of the vessel and positioned in opposition to one another. The wings can be extended or swivelled out and are equipped with a variable, three-part wing profile that is aligned with the underwater hull in a plane parallel to the longitudinal and transverse axes of the ship. This configuration serves to counteract the heeling tendency of the ship when sailing. The leading edge segment and the trailing edge segment of the three-part wing profile can be synchronously adjusted via a hydraulically or electrically operated gearbox integrated into a central wing segment. It is proposed that torque compensation be implemented at the centre of gravity of the ship for the purpose of facilitating sailing operations. A primary torque, resulting from the transverse force generated by the sailing device, is counterbalanced by a secondary torque. This second torque is the result of a hydrodynamic force generated by the outboard wings, which create lift and downforce. The aforementioned wings are arranged in pairs, situated in opposition to one another in the region of the underwater hull. Furthermore, the shifting of the water ballast from one side of the ship to the other, either from the forecastle to the stern or vice versa, allows for the levelling of the plane spanned by the longitudinal and transverse axes. This allows the telescopic axes of the telescopic masts to be aligned parallel to the vertical axis, with the centre of buoyancy, the centre of gravity and the metacentre of the ship on the vertical axis perpendicular to each other. #ResSS3 #resoceanwind #reslevelcontrol #ressail #resship #rescruiseship #restelescopicmast #resewing #resblade #excellence for #thewörld from #theländ www.res-institute.com

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RES - Ocean Wind 4

#resss4 Redefine Cruising by Setting Sails : Chapter 4. The ship with hydrodynamic levelling The ship, as designed according to the invention, can be adapted to suit a variety of functions, including those as a cargo, passenger, military or work ship. In the operation of these ships, hydrodynamic levelling is achieved through the utilisation of outboard wings, situated on either side of the vessel and positioned in opposition to one another. The wings can be extended or swivelled out and are equipped with a variable, three-part wing profile that is aligned with the underwater hull in a plane parallel to the longitudinal and transverse axes of the ship. This configuration serves to counteract the heeling tendency of the ship when sailing. The leading edge segment and the trailing edge segment of the three-part wing profile can be synchronously adjusted via a hydraulically or electrically operated gearbox integrated into a central wing segment. It is proposed that torque compensation be implemented at the centre of gravity of the ship for the purpose of facilitating sailing operations. A primary torque, resulting from the transverse force generated by the sailing device, is counterbalanced by a secondary torque. This second torque is the result of a hydrodynamic force generated by the outboard wings, which create lift and downforce. The aforementioned wings are arranged in pairs, situated in opposition to one another in the region of the underwater hull. Furthermore, the shifting of the water ballast from one side of the ship to the other, either from the forecastle to the stern or vice versa, allows for the levelling of the plane spanned by the longitudinal and transverse axes. This allows the telescopic axes of the telescopic masts to be aligned parallel to the vertical axis, with the centre of buoyancy, the centre of gravity and the metacentre of the ship on the vertical axis perpendicular to each other. #ResSS4 #resoceanwind #reslevelcontrol #resail #resship #rescruiseship #restelescopicmast #excellence from #theländ www.res-institute.com

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RES - Ocean Wind 5

#resss5 Redefine Cruising by Setting Sails : Chapter 5, During the act of sailing, the decks are maintained in a horizontal position, while the masts are kept in a vertical orientation. The invention is based on the objective of providing a ship with a sail device that can be extended from the hull and a dynamic levelling system for multiple decks of the ship for temporary sailing operations. The solution to this initial issue entails the delineation of a load-bearing system for the ship's hull, which exhibits a sandwich construction that combines weight savings in the steel construction with enhanced rigidity for the hull. Additionally, the specification of a rescue system is proposed, wherein the ship itself serves as A life raft for passengers and crew is also provided, whereby the buoyancy of the ship can be maintained indefinitely. Finally, an energy system for the ship is included, which allows for the optimal balance between energy consumed and energy generated during ship operation. #ResSS5 #resoceanwind #reslevelcontrol #resail #resship #rescruiseship #restelescopicmast #excellence from #theländ www.res-institute.com

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RES - Ocean Wind 6

#resss6 Chapter 6 of Redefining Cruising by Setting Sails deals with sailing with a vertical axis wind turbine. The invention is based on the task of providing a ship with a sail arrangement that can be extended from the hull, which is equipped with a dynamic levelling system for the ship's decks, which can be used during temporary sailing operations. The solution to this first problem includes the specification of a hull support system in sandwich construction which combines weight savings in the steel construction with increased rigidity of the hull, the specification of a rescue system in which the ship itself acts as a life raft for passengers and crew, whereby the buoyancy of the ship can be maintained indefinitely, and last but not least, an energy system for the ship which allows the best possible balance between energy consumed and energy generated during the operation of the ship. #ResSS6 #resoceanwind #reslevelcontrol #ressail #resship #rescruiseship #restelescopicmast #resewing #resblade #excellence for #thewörld from #theländ www.res-institute.com

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RES - Ocean Wind 7

#resss7 Redefine Cruising by Setting Sails : Chapter 7. The ship's energy system, as conceived by the inventor, is designed to achieve a balance between the energy consumed and the energy generated during the ship's operation. A permanently available electric drive for propellers, formed in the stern area by a plurality of motor nacelles for motor generators rotatably connected to the underwater hull, can be temporarily replaced as the largest energy consumer by the sailing operation of the ship. The motor generators are capable of switching to generator mode and generating electricity when the ship is in motion. Furthermore, electricity can be generated from the operation of the wind turbines when the ship is not in motion and is situated in port. The electricity generated can be stored in onboard battery storage units with a large number of accumulator cells or made available for electrolysers for the production of storable hydrogen for a fuel cell drive of the ship. The ship's energy system, as outlined in the invention, has the capacity to store energy generated on board. This adaptability allows it to align with the varying operational requirements of the ship. Additionally, the system's independence from fossil energy sources ensures that ship operation can be achieved without the emission of harmful CO2. When the environmental impact of a cruise for millions of passengers in the world's metropolitan regions is considered, it can be argued that cruising is an environmentally friendly measure. #ResSS7 #resoceanwind #reslevelcontrol #resail #resship #rescruiseship #restelescopicmast #excellence from #theländ www.res-institute.com